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IOS: Development of WhatsApp Messenger 2.8.3 allows encrypting messages

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WhatsApp Messenger issued developers 2.8.3 development new Avanquest in messaging on all mobile devices and other smart devices is working on Android and Apple's IOS and BlackBerry and Nokia devices, this software allows instant messaging between the user and the numbers stored on his computer .

This update is for the iPhone and Apple specifically which characterizes this update several points are :-

1. automatic lifting of images received .

2. Update for most problems in many world languages .

3. improvement in Group notices, where shows nickname .

4. improvement of the forward list with contacts/groups/modern talks .

5. change the turnover index of the time just like in Android .

6. now fully encrypted messages when sending via Wi-Fi or cellular network .

Update method is entering the Apple store (App Store) and pressing the update section then chose WhatsApp Messenger and click on (Update) and it's all over.

Thanks for reading, writer / ahmad.alodiany .

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