التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
تقنية: مجموعة من الهكر تخترق تقنية TouchID بطرق بدائية جداً !

تقنية: مجموعة من الهكر تخترق تقنية TouchID بطرق بدائية جداً !

بواسطة مدونة تنوع · الكاتب:
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أحب في البداية أعرفكم على هالتقنية: هي استبدال الأرقام في قفل الشاشة ووضع بصمة المستخدم بدلاً عنها !
يعني ما أحد يقدر يفك الجهاز إلا لازم بصمتك المخزّنة، وهذا كاحتراز أمني فقط!
طبعاً هذه ميزة تزيد من حماية الجهاز، لكن في المقابل هي قابلة للإختراق! كيف؟ سنشرح ذلك في هذا المقال..
منذ أن أطلقت "Apple" هذه الميزة وهي "تتبجح" وتقول إنها استخدمت كل جدران الحماية للحيلولة دون تمكن الهكر من اختراقها، ولكن اليوم انقلب كل شيء!

استطاعت مجموعة من الهكر المتخصصين في كسر الحماية لأي جهاز أن يقوموا باختراق هذه التقنية عن طريق استنساخ البصمات!

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German Government warns its citizens from using Internet Explorer!!!

German Government warns its citizens from using Internet Explorer!!!

بواسطة مدونة تنوع · الكاتب:
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German authorities urged citizens to use alternative Internet browsers Internet Explorer after discovering a security vulnerability in your browser this week .

The German Government said the Federal Office for information security, he has discovered a number of vulnerabilities in several versions of Internet Explorer and urged citizens to stop using it until you repair gaps or tovrmaykrosoft security update .

browser · explorer · german · internet · microsoft · news · security · technology
Privacy in the digital world

Privacy in the digital world

بواسطة مدونة تنوع · الكاتب:
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Companies are constantly looking for new ways to market their products to more potential customers, and it spares no effort to invent creative methods for information for targeted marketing activities .
Perhaps the funniest of these methods those devised by a toys in the United States, this company in one of the television ads show clown child viewers asked a handset near the TV, so that the Declaration contains a series of tones will communicate with the company through custom compiling phone numbers of homes connected to be able to use these numbers to collect address information and family members and add them to the list of postal marketing company .

Companies · digital · news · Privacy Policy · technology · world
Microsoft followed Google and you change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Microsoft followed Google and you change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

بواسطة مدونة تنوع · الكاتب:
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Microsoft announced this week about updating service agreement Services “ Agreement most own style done by Google. This is an important and essential update – by Microsoft — includes privacy policy and conflict resolution. The company has to inform users of changes via email sent to them Friday, said that work would begin on 19 October kisses.
Google · microsoft · news · Privacy Policy · technology
Official: Windows 7 is the first global system to users computers and on Windows XP

Official: Windows 7 is the first global system to users computers and on Windows XP

بواسطة مدونة تنوع · الكاتب:
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Formally occupied the system Microsoft Windows 7 first place in market-oriented systems of personal devices whether desktop or a portable throne after his monopoly of domestic rivals Windows XP which is a nightmare for Microsoft, even persuade users to abandon it in favour of the latter.

applications · microsoft · news · technology · windows7 · windowsXP