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Microsoft followed Google and you change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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Microsoft announced this week about updating service agreement Services “ Agreement most own style done by Google. This is an important and essential update – by Microsoft — includes privacy policy and conflict resolution. The company has to inform users of changes via email sent to them Friday, said that work would begin on 19 October kisses.

This update includes an amendment to the company's policy, allowing them to access and show the user's content in all cloud services. While the previous version, of the terms of use, give Microsoft the right to use user content from unauthorized “ only to the extent necessary to provide the service, most now provide conditions on the legality of the use of all content for cloud and protect and improve the products and services of the company.

According to these conditions eligible for Microsoft user's content extraction from cloud services such as alhotmail or open-air sky drive, or cloud applications including MS Office, and use it to customize the search results on its search engine Bing bing in the manner that best suits the interests of the user. The company has hinted that the aim of these changes is a redesign of cloud services to be integrated into many Microsoft services.

Reference is made to the company has also added a new item in the contract on the subject of class action lawsuits, which prompts users in the United States to resolve disputes through arbitration rather than litigation. Which gives them the right to sue Microsoft in courts or collective proceedings against them. And the company shall not be considered as the first step in adopting this policy, both Sony and Netflix in the same command.

Thanks for reading ... ahmad alodiany .

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