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Apple fined Korea's Samsung billion dollars in the case of "patents"

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Overcame the smart phone industry giant "Apple" Finally, in the case of patents filed in U.S. courts against the Korean electronics giant "Samsung".

And fined "jury" Korean company billion U.S. dollars which is the amount requested "Apple" and weakness, but the U.S. Court did not see it reasonable sentenced half the amount demanded by the "Apple".

It is worth mentioning is that this judgment fuses for each of the search engine Google and the Korean company Samsung as strong competitors very Bnzamanma "Android" for the U.S. company "Apple" and its known IOS.
This case, which earned "Apple" lifted its shares in the U.S. stock market in this Saturday but a slight increase, while the company's shares fell "Samsung" in the Korean stock market, but low light as well as a slight.

Literal translation from Google Translate but important access idea and thank you for reading.
Ahmad Odyani ... TheEnd

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